Working adults generally display high levels of stress. Stress is detrimental to performance – and not just at work. If we can’t stop thinking about work in the evenings, during the weekends or while on holiday, our personal lives also suffer. What’s more, stress is contagious: living with a stressed person can also lead to stress reactions in partners and children. They too respond with a heightened release of stress hormones.
Perception of stress varies from person to person. One and the same factor may be a source of worry to one person but completely irrelevant to another. This is where each individual’s resilience, the ability to react appropriately to stressors, comes into play. Stress resilience is our mental resistance to high levels of stress. People who are highly resilient are able to remain calm and stable even under severe external pressure and recover comparatively quickly from the negative effects of extreme stress.
An individual’s resilience is measurable and can be actively boosted. Vitamins and minerals play an important role: they control and regulate various metabolic processes and stabilize the biochemical processes in our bodies. For example, scientists have discovered that the vitamins thiamin, niacin, B6, biotin and B12 all play an important role in regulating the functions of the nervous system and the mind, that magnesium stimulates energy metabolism in the cells involved, and that zinc and selenium protect us from oxidative processes that can trigger stress.**
There is a direct link (correlation) between personal resilience, stress perception and individual well-being. The lower your resilience, the higher your stress levels and the lower your wellbeing will be. By the same token, people who are more robust and resistant to stress have a better sense of well-being and get more out of life.
The product survey
The goal of this study was to find out whether a regular intake of Biogena fit@work® Premium Gold has a measurable influence on the resilience, stress levels and well-being of working people. The study documented the resilience scores, stress levels and well-being of 204 healthy working adults. All the participants took two capsules of Biogena fit@work® Premium Gold per day for a total of eight weeks.
**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.